Lifelong Lesson

The best teacher is life right?

But the best way to truly excel is to begin.

So many of us are caught in the consumption phase of

Learning..learning…learning, reading…watching.

Of course it is great to an extent

Take what you need, put it in your pocket

And just go!

The whole point is..

Step outside, try new things and leave where you are right now.

You cannot become what you want to be

By remaining what you are.

Stuck in the past? Let go!

Have regrets and wished you have done things differently?

Move on!

Forgive yourself, accept the present and enjoy life!

Be grateful for being still alive up to this moment.

Bored with life and don’t know what to do with yourself?

Go out! Travel…explore!

One day you’ll wake up and there won’t be anymore time to do things you’ve always wanted.


Keep up!

Some days I feel exhausted with life and all I want to do is close my eyes and rest for a long long as in super long time and just let it be! let it be!

But there are also days where I see how big the world really is and there is so so so so much going on, and I want to live it all…I want to do it all, I want to embrace it all.

I want to be every version of myself I can possibly be, experience life in sorts of different places and I want to know more people, see all the beautiful places this world can offer.

There are times when I want to give up, I remind myself that no person is immune to feeling of uncertainty.

And there are also moments when I want to put my tools down, give up my aspirations, and drift aimlessly. In such moments, I have to remind myself that the only way to accomplish one task at a time is my own version of PDF file…Persistence, Dedication, Focus. So Ross, Keep up!

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