Move Forward, One Step at A Time

In the vast ocean of life, storm is inevitable, seasons change, days turns into night and so do our circumstances, embracing the reality rather than resisting it gives us the power to control the circumstance, rather than it controls us.

There’s nothing in this world that didn’t happen because we didn’t wanted to. And sometimes life requires us to get lost before you find yourself again. There’s gonna be an absolutely years of smooth and easy flow of your life.

Most of the people nowadays talks about successes, fame, when on the podium, when on top of the world. It is understandable to spread positive vibes, but it is rare we can hear talking about the issues, about failures, what are the lessons.

Sometimes, you have to to have people laugh at you, talk against your back, ridicule you, abandon you, raise brows on you, when you fail. And failure doesn’t always mean when you disappoint them, when you break your promise to them, but when circumstances creates those friction when you felt you’ve been push to the edge of the cliff and nothing to hold on to. Couldn’t sleep thinking of how to pay your debts, when no job, no friends, anxieties, stresses and thought of loosing your mind soon. That is where you dig deep and take the courage to reset, recompose, not to overthink but plan what is the next step. ❤️

Keep moving step at a time..🥰💪💪

My everyday sanctuary


I am determined and motivated

I feel great and ready for anything..

I love life and life loves me back

And so today

Anything is possible.

I go for my goals and I reach them

Nothing stands in my way

I am not afraid of anyone or anything anymore..

For I feel confident and all trust in HIM

I believe in myself 100% and I am now ready to live my dreams

I am so lucky to be alive despite of all!

For being alive, is a great place to start.

To enjoy the rain

To rest and chill

To breathe and share the love, and care

To shower hugs to those in pain

And bestow that hope to someone in despair.

Year of LOVE

This year has almost gone

It has been a year of changes and challenges

Not all our friends and family made it

Give yourself credit for how you’ve handled this year

You’ve been working overtime on your dreams

Figuring your direction

Taking care of your mental health

Trying to feel comfortable in your skin

Building your connections

Ah yes! It’s Christmas!

The best gift is you!

When you are truly friend and brother of every human being.

When you forgive and reestablish peace, even when you suffer in silence

When on the edge of hope

And trying to hold it all together

You remained calm and gave all you you’ve got

Kodus to you!

For keeping that faith alive.

My heart is full of love this year.

I do wish the same to you!

And so, sharing my blessing…

Of a Merry and Love-filled Christmas from us to you!

Lifelong Lesson

The best teacher is life right?

But the best way to truly excel is to begin.

So many of us are caught in the consumption phase of

Learning..learning…learning, reading…watching.

Of course it is great to an extent

Take what you need, put it in your pocket

And just go!

The whole point is..

Step outside, try new things and leave where you are right now.

You cannot become what you want to be

By remaining what you are.

Stuck in the past? Let go!

Have regrets and wished you have done things differently?

Move on!

Forgive yourself, accept the present and enjoy life!

Be grateful for being still alive up to this moment.

Bored with life and don’t know what to do with yourself?

Go out! Travel…explore!

One day you’ll wake up and there won’t be anymore time to do things you’ve always wanted.


Writing And Running

They said, to be a writer you have to keep writing.

Prepare trash bins for piles of scratched.

Keep making mistakes, write, erase, rewrite, review, repeat

Its ok.

Because every stroke of pen creates meaning, builds up stories.

Until at least you make a sentence, to form a paragraph, to create article, to lunch a book.

And as a runner, well I could say.. to be a runner, one has to keep running.

Injuries are inevitable, trainings are hard.

Throwing that ass out of your comfort zone is painful and scary.

But every step counts, leading to milage, taking you everywhere.

Sometimes it brings you to the unknown roads

Until you get lost.

And figured out yourself how to find your way home.

One thing I discovered about writing and running is that both of them have in common.

They both lead you to somewhere, to places, to finale, to finishline.

In every step, in every stroke, through injuries and lots of mistakes.

You learn, develops a skill, hones your discipline, creates hope and amplifies a dream.

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