Year of LOVE

This year has almost gone

It has been a year of changes and challenges

Not all our friends and family made it

Give yourself credit for how you’ve handled this year

You’ve been working overtime on your dreams

Figuring your direction

Taking care of your mental health

Trying to feel comfortable in your skin

Building your connections

Ah yes! It’s Christmas!

The best gift is you!

When you are truly friend and brother of every human being.

When you forgive and reestablish peace, even when you suffer in silence

When on the edge of hope

And trying to hold it all together

You remained calm and gave all you you’ve got

Kodus to you!

For keeping that faith alive.

My heart is full of love this year.

I do wish the same to you!

And so, sharing my blessing…

Of a Merry and Love-filled Christmas from us to you!

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